Warm up:
15. Calorie Machine
10. Static Squat and Passthrus
10. Sotts Presses
10. IYTS
5/side Perfect Stretches
Wrist Prep
Barbell Warmup: 2 sets
3 Clean Deadlift
3 Clean Pull
3 Clean High Pulls
3 position Clean x 3 Reps + 1 Jerk at the last rep
-High hang
In 10 min build to heavy
2 Hang cleans
1 Front Squats
Beginner Strength: E2MOM x 5
5 Dumbbell Deadlift
5 Dumbbell Push press
5 Dumbell Squats
5 Burpees
10. Alternating V-ups
Metcon 5 Rounds for time (20 min cap)
4 Floors run
10. Ground to overhead (115/75)
5 Rounds
3rd Floor Run
10. Plate Ground to overhead (35/25)