Warm up:
2 min machine
15/side Banded TKES 20 Calf raises20
90/90 Switches
20 Alternating Bird dogs
10/side Fire hydrants
10/side Cat cows
5 downward dog to upward dog
10 Barbell Goodmornings
10 Empty bar strict press
10 Empty bar Front Squat
10 Alternating Front Rack lunges
20 Sec Bottom Front Squat Empty bar hold
30 Pogo hops
Flight Simulator
Flight Simulator For Time (12-15 min)
Unbroken Double-Unders
With a running clock perform 5 unbroken Double-Unders. Stop. Perform 10 unbroken Double-Unders. Stop. Perform 15 Double-Unders, etc. Continue with this pattern, increasing by 5 until the set of 50 unbroken Double-Unders, then back down to 5. Complete the entire workout as fast as possible (“For Time“).The pyramid rep scheme ascends from 5 to 50 (increments of 5), then back down to 5. Each set must be unbroken. The rope must stop moving before starting the next set.
Rest as needed between sets. A failed Double-Under (either because the rope stops or because the rope passes under the feet only once (Single Under)) counts as a broken set. If a set is broken, start again from the beginning of that set.Score is the time on the clock when the last set of unbroken Double-Unders is completed.
Scaling Options
Unbroken Double-Unders
Unbroken Single-Unders
Metcon (TIME CAP 17 min)
Alternating Hang DB snatches (50/35)
Empty bar front squats
*DROPPING THE EMPTY BARBELL 5th foor run + 50 Burpees*