Warm up:
10 Calorie Machine
10/side Warrior Squat Reaches
10. IYTS
10/side Pinwheels
10 Slow Cat cows
wrist prep
5 Bar Strict press
5 Bar Front Squats
5 Burpees
Amrap 22 min
Partner A: 250/200m Row 15/12 Cal bike or 12/10 Echo or 200m Air runner
Partner B:
3 Clusters (115/75)
3 Lateral Burpee over bar
Scale the weight as needed
Switch if partner A is done with the machine work Score is the Total number of rounds and reps of AMRAP
Midline Finisher
5 Rounds
7 Hollowrocks
7 Vups
7 tuck ups
7 Sec hollowhold
1 Min rest per round