Warm up:
10 Calorie Machine
10 Glute bridge with 1 Sec hold on top
20 Alternating Deadbugs
10/side Firehydrants
10 Slow Cat cows
10 Slow Jeffersons curls
15 Airsquats
10 Kip swings + 10 Alternating V-ups
10 Pushups
Deadlifts: 1 Set every 2:30 5 Deadlifts @ 50%
5 Deadlifts @60%
3 Deadlifts @70%
3 Deadlifts @75%
Max Rep Deadlifts @80%
Metcon: Amrap 15 min
30 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Toes to bars
30 Pushups