3 Minutes (Every Minute on the minute)
Min 1-3: 1 Snatch @ 68% 1RM Snatch
3 Minutes (Every Minute on the minute)
Min 3-6: 1 Snatch @ 73-75% 1RM Snatch
3 Minutes (Every Minute on the minute)
Min 7-9: 1 Snatch @ 78-80% 1RM Snatch
3 Minutes (Every Minute on the minute)
Min 10-12: 1 Snatch @ 83-88% 1RM Snatch
4 Sets:
100ft Sled Push (190/145) (OR 50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (95/65))
-sprint back to start-
100ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry (2x70/50)
-sprint back to start-
100ft Sandbag Carry (150/100) (OR 100ft Double DB Front Rack Carry (2x70/50))
-sprint back to start-
-rest 2 minutes b/t sets-
REPEAT from Tuesday May 23, 2023.
4 Sets:
100ft Sled Push (190/145) (OR 50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (95/65))
-sprint back to start-
100ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry (2x70/50)
-sprint back to start-
100ft Sandbag Carry (150/100) (OR 100ft Double DB Front Rack Carry (2x70/50))
-sprint back to start-
-rest 2 minutes b/t sets-
REPEAT from Tuesday May 23, 2023.
4 Sets
14 Standing Tricep DB French Press @ RPE 8-9
14 Standing Barbell Curl @ RPE 8-9