Strength: Behind the neck pause rack jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 55-60% 1RM Jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 62-65% 1RM Jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 68-70% 1RM Jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 72-75% 1RM Jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 78-80% 1RM Jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 78-80% 1RM Jerk
2 Behind the Neck Pause Rack Jerk @ 78-80% 1RM Jerk
Core Work: 3 sets
3 Sets (Not for time)
10 Strict Toes to Bar
100m Farmers Carry (As heavy as possible)
20 Kettlebell Side Bends (Heavy)
30 Second Weighted Face Up Chinese Plank
Metcon (20 min cap)
Unbroken Strict Pull Up
Unbroken Strict Ring (OR Bar) Dips
*Rest as needed in between sets.
**Penalty for breaking: 10 burpee to bar