8 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
8 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
8 Snatch Push press @8/10 RPE
*Focus on strong lockout and pause at top showing good control.
**Goal is to use 105% of last week's tough 12 for all 3 sets today.
7 Sets New set every 1:30.
1 Power Snatch Above The Knee + 1 Power Snatch From the Floor @ 70-80% 1RM Power Snatch
AMRAP 7 Minutes
1000m Ski (OR Row)
In remaining time:
Max reps Strict Handstand Push Ups
-rest 5 minutes-
AMRAP 7 Minutes
1000m Ski (OR Row)
In remaining time:
Max reps Strict Ring Dips
-rest 5 minutes-
AMRAP 7 Minutes
1000m Ski (OR Row)
In remaining time:
Max Dumbbell Bench Press (2x70/50)
AMRAP 7 Minutes
800m Ski (OR Row)
In remaining time:
Max reps Strict Handstand Push Ups (Kip these if you still can’t get 15+ in this time domain)
-rest 5 minutes-
AMRAP 7 Minutes
800m Ski (OR Row)
In remaining time:
Max reps Strict Ring Dips (Kip these if you still can’t get 15+ in this time domain)
-rest 5 minutes-
AMRAP 7 Minutes
1000m Ski (OR Row)
In remaining time:
Max Dumbbell Bench Press (2x50/35)
Workout Description Video: