Tall Jerk
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
5 Tall Jerk @4-5/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
**Light, focus on foot work and speed.
Build to a tough set of 4 Jerk Recovery @8 RPE in 4 sets.
*8 Bent Over Row @7-8/10 RPE after each set for ONLY 3 sets.
**30 Sec Passive Hang after each set for ONLY 3 sets.
3 Sets
10 Dumbbell Shrugs (heavy) @8/10 RPE
-Rest 30 sec-
10 JM Press @8/10 RPE
-Rest 90 sec-
*Goal is heavier than week 1 of this progression.
**Score Dumbbell Shrug weight. In notes score JM Press weights.
5 sets (1 set every 6 minutes)
30 cal bike or 24 cal echo
400m Run
5 sets (1 set every 6 minutes)
24 cal bike or 19 echo
300m Run
Workout Description Video: