Warm up:
20 90/90 hip switch
10 Cat cows
8/sude Tspine stretch
8/side Knees over toes forward with kettlebell on top of knee
30 sec glutebridge hold
30 Banded pull aparts
Pull day Thursday (10 min cap)
3 Sets
16 Kettlebell Gorilla Rows (16/12kg)
16 Banded Latt pull downs
8/side Dumbbell plank table top drags
3 Rounds
1 Min weighted plank with (25/15 Plate)
Partner work (25 min cap)
Buy in 100/80 Calorie Bike
Into 5 Rounds
Partner 1: 10 Double Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25)
Partner 2: 60m Farmers carry (24/16kg)
10 Synchro alternating V-ups
After the buy in P1 Does Double Dumbbell Thrusters while partner 2 is resting then Partner 1 rest Partner 2 does the work after which they will both do Synchro Synchro alternating V-ups then switch movements for round 2 so on and so on.