Warm up:
20 90/90 hip switch
10 Cat cows
8/sude Tspine stretch
8/side Knees over toes forward with kettlebell on top of knee
30 sec glutebridge hold
30 Banded pull aparts
Pull day Thursday (15 min cap)
3 Sets
8/side bird dog rows with 1 DB on bench (35/25)
8/side Dumbbell drags with heavy dumbbelll (50/35)
10 Supinated Ring rows
Midline: 3 sets
20 Alternating V-ups (L+R=2)
10 Toes to rig
50 Heel taps (L+R=2)
Partner work (25 min cap)
Buy in 2000m/1600m Row (SHARED)
Into 6 Rounds
Partner 1: 12 Single Kettlebell Sumodeadlift high pull (24/16kg)
Partner 2: 20m Burpee broad jumps
10 Synchro Medball situps (20/14)
After the buy in P1 Does KB SDHP while partner 2 is resting then Partner 1 rest Partner 2 does the work after which they will both do synchro medball situps then switch movements for round 2 so on and so on.